Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lessons of life from dad

My mind was occupied with tomorrows presentation, about my specialisation( i guess its one of the toughest decisions an MBA student has to make) and on many other suppose to be important matters.
just then i went into the living room to pick up something and there i saw my father a 50 year old man sitting on the couch.
i wondered for the first time how busy and occupied he must be. He is a established business man and the managing director of his company.. so how much work preassure he must be facing?
But instead i found him laughing with his sister on silly jokes without a care in the world, just like a child.
And in that moment i realised how worthless my worries were.If my fathers who's worries are a 1ooo times more compared to mine can forget everything and laugh so should i.
He taught me that the true worth of life is in these small moments.
Our generation is so busy competing, so busy trying to secure a bright future, we work so hard for everything.
But we dont realise what we are missing.
worrying about the future which we have no gaurantee we will see, we lose out on the present which alone exists.